Blog Hop Writers Award Showcase

Check me out in this writer’s showcase.

Unload and Unwind

writing process blog hopI was really flattered when Irene asked me to participate in the Blog Hop as it is an award designed to showcase blogs devoted to writing, be it journal style, political, fiction, short stories or human interest along with the many other variations that those who enjoy the written word delve into from time to time.

As part of the process I have to thank Irene as well as present her bio and any links to her work that she wishes to include in it.  After that I answer four questions about writing which will be shown below and then introduce the three writers that I wish to showcase here on Unload and Unwind. So without further ado let me introduce you to another Aussie, who like me enjoys words and all that you can do with them.

Irene Waters: Reflections and Nightmares

Irene Waters Irene Waters

Irene believes that reflection is…

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